Modelling relationships between raw milk quality parameters and climatic conditions - the case study of a 3-years survey in Serbia

Ilija Djekic Orcid logo ,
Ilija Djekic
Contact Ilija Djekic

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture

Jelena Miočionović ,
Jelena Miočionović

Department of Animal Origin Products Technology, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Marija Bojčevski ,
Marija Bojčevski

AD Imlek , Industrijsko naselje bb, 11213 Padinska Skela , Serbia

Nada Šmigić ,
Nada Šmigić

Department of Food Safety and Quality Management, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Igor Tomašević
Igor Tomašević

Department of Animal Origin Products Technology, University of Belgrade , Belgrade , Serbia

Published: 18.10.2020.

Volume 9, Issue 2 (2020)

pp. 295-306;


This work examined the relationships between quality characteristics of raw milk and climatic conditions. Over a period of three years, a total of 5,065 samples were collected encompassing two types of farms. The quality characteristics analysed were titratable acidity (TA), total plate count (TPC) and somatic cells count (SCC). Climatic conditions were evaluated in respect to the outdoor air temperature, pressure, humidity and precipitation. Big farms showed a stronger correlation between TA and climatic conditions as opposed to SCC and climatic conditions. TPC was out of limit in big farms when the outdoor air temperature was higher than 19.8 °C (p<0.05) and during periods with accumulated precipitation over 4.2 mm (p>0.05). Small farms showed a stronger correlation between SCC and climatic conditions as opposed to TA. In these farms, occurrence of acidity out of limit was detected in less than 7.2% of samples. Samples with TA out of limit were observed when air temperature was higher than 18.4 °C (p<0.05) and accumulated precipitation was below 3.1 mm (p>0.05). These results can be used to improve good agricultural practices in respect to climatic conditions and size of farms.



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