Optimization conditions of UV-C radiation combined with ultrasound-assisted extraction of cherry tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) lycopene extract

Alexandre R. Lima ,
Alexandre R. Lima
Nathana L. Cristofoli ,
Nathana L. Cristofoli
Josamaique G. Veneral ,
Josamaique G. Veneral
Alcilene R. M. Fritz ,
Alcilene R. M. Fritz
Margarida C. Vieira
Margarida C. Vieira

Published: 01.12.2018.

Volume 8, Issue 2 (2019)



The aim of this work was to study the effect of UV-C radiation on ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) of cherry tomato bioactive compounds. Cherry tomatoes were exposed to two UV-C radiation doses (0.5 and 1.0 J cm-²) and stored at 20 ± 0.5 °C for 7 days. Next, they were lyophilized, and the bioactive compounds were extracted by UAE at 20 KHz. To evaluate the effectiveness of the extraction process of the bioactive compounds, a CCRD (central composite rotational design) was used together with RSM (response surface methodology), for extraction times from 4 to 12 minutes and concentrations (g of lyophilized product / L of ethanol) of 1:10, 1:20 and 1:30. The extracts obtained from the irradiated tomatoes presented 5.8 times more lycopene content than the controls and higher antioxidant activity was obtained for 4 and 8 min, in the concentrations 1:10 and 1:20 (m v-1). Trough numerical model optimization, optimal extraction conditions were obtained. The results demonstrated that by previously irradiating tomatoes with UV-C, the UAE yielded considerably higher amounts of lycopene and other bioactives.  


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