One of the main requirements for modern technologies is to expand the range of meat products by creating combined products with a balanced composition of food and biologically active substances. The purpose of the study was to develop a technology for the production of such combined meat products. The research used secondary meat raw materials of the meat processing industry: horse meat, flank and other beef muscle tissue of the second grade, which, after fermentation by a consortium of microorganisms consisting of the following cultures: Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bifidumbacterium siccum, Staphilococcus carnosus, were used instead of the main meat raw materials in the production of sausages. The following indicators of ready-prepared products were studied: organoleptic properties, chemical, vitamin and mineral composition, toxicity and harmlessness, storage duration. The results showed that the use of this consortium of microorganisms in the production of sausage products made it possible to use secondary collagen-containing raw materials for processing. The positive influence of the proposed biotechnological method of processing meat raw materials on the organoleptic, physical-chemical, structural-mechanical, microbiological characteristics and biological value of the finished product was revealed. It was found that the use of a consortium of microorganisms increased the quality of finished products. In addition, the proposed technology has the potential to reduce the cost of production and increase the share of waste-free production in the meat processing industry.
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