Current issue

Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024
Online ISSN: 2182-1054
Volume 13 , Issue 2, (2024)
Published: 18.10.2024.
Open Access
All issues
Original scientific paper
Physical and chemical characteristics of beef marinated by cashew apple extract
Marination is one of the methods that are often used in beef processing in an attempt to obtain high quality of beef. Cashew apple extract marinade (CAM) improves the microbiological characteristics of meat by inhibiting the growth of meat bacteria. The effect of CAM on other aspects such as physical (microbiological, tenderness, cooking loss, water holding capacity and pH) and chemical (moisture, fat and protein content) characteristics of meat have not been evaluated, which would be beneficial for the utilisation of agroindustry waste in the meat industry. In this study, the effect of CAM on the physical and chemical characteristics of beef, including microbiological characteristics, tenderness, cooking loss and water holding capacity, was evaluated. CAM (0%, 10%, 20% and 30%) was used during beef processing for 4 h at refrigeration temperature. Significant effects of CAM were observed on the physical and chemical characteristics of beef. CAM increased beef tenderness and reduced total bacteria, cooking loss, moisture, fat, and protein content. The optimum concentration of CAM for which significant changes were observed in the physical and chemical characteristics of beef was 20%. Thus, cashew apple can be utilised as a promising marinade agent in beef processing with the criteria of food for specific health use. This approach will help reduce cashew apple waste and is an eco-friendly approach.
Siti Susanti, Valentinus Priyo Bintoro, Antonius Hintono, Khoirun Nisa
Original scientific paper
Influence of extraction solvent on the biological properties of maritime pine bark (Pinus pinaster)
Maritime pine bark (Pinus pinaster Aiton subsp. atlantica) is rich in polyphenols with known bioactive properties which are beneficial for human health. However, biological activities of bark extracts depend on the type of polyphenols extracted and the characteristics of these extractives depend on several factors such as the type of solvents used. The influence of the extraction solvent on the composition and consequently on the properties of the extracts has been poorly described. Thus, in this study the influence of the extraction solvent (water, ethanol and ethanol-water (50/50 v/v%)) on the antibacterial and anticancer properties of P. pinaster bark samples were evaluated. LC-DAD-MS profiling of the different extracts was also carried out to study their polyphenol composition. Results show that extraction solvent must be carefully chosen with respect to foreseeing use of bark extracts, since ethanolic and hydroethanolic extracts displayed the greatest antibacterial activity whereas water extracts showed increased anticancer properties.
Inés Mármol, Catarina Vieito, Vanessa Andreu, Annabel Levert, Anaïs Amiot, Cédric Bertrand, Mª Jesús Rodríguez-Yoldi, Joana Santos, Manuela Vaz-Velho
Original scientific paper
Storage stability of hot smoked spiced african catfish (Clarias gariepinus)
Hot Smoked Spiced Catfish (HSSC) samples prepared under optimal conditions (garlic, 7.29 g/100 ml; ginger, 7.50 g/100 ml; turmeric, 2.5 g/100 ml; soaking temperature, 38.68 °C and soaking time, 7.51 min) were stored at ambient temperature (30±2 °C) for a period of 20 days to evaluate storage stability; un-spiced hot smoked catfish served as control. Moisture Content (MC), Thiobarbutric Acid (TBA), Peroxide Value (PV), Free Fatty Acid (FFA), Total Viable Counts (TVC) and Mould Counts (MoC) were monitored at two-day intervals as a measure of the storage stability indices. Sensory attributes of the Optimized Hot Smoked Spiced Catfish (OHSSC), control (unspiced) and commercial hot-smoked catfish were determined using a preference test. The storage stability indices values for HSSC were in the range of 6.64 - 7.01% (MC), 4.50 - 13.77 mg MDA/kg (TBA), 0.20 - 2.84 mEq/kg (PV), 0.72 - 9.64% (FFA), 9.50 - 57.00 cfu/g (TVC), 8.00 - 34.50 cfu/g (MoC). The control sample values were in the range of 6.97 - 7.30% (MC), 5.51 - 14.92 mg MDA/kg (TBA), 0.23 to 2.86 mEq/kg (PV), 2.24 - 11.88% (FFA), 13.50 - 113.00 cfu/g (TVC), and 10.00 - 49.00 cfu/g(MoC). The sensory evaluation indicated that OHSSC was most preferred in all the evaluated sensory parameters. This study established the synergistic effects of garlic and turmeric on the keeping quality and sensory attributes of hot-smoked catfish with the prospect of reducing post harvest losses.
SOGO OLATUNDE, Anthonia F. Akinbisoye, Beatrice I. O. Ade-Omowaye
Original scientific paper
Development and sensory evaluation of a cookie from composite sorghum and cowpea flour
There are many opportunities in the global food market for innovations, through the valorization of artisanal technologies based on the local raw material. In this context we were interested in the development of cookies based on a local variety of sorghum from northern Cameroon, the so-called S35 sorghum variety and a local cowpea from northern Cameroon the so called "sekem variety". During the production of flours for cookies, the extraction yields were as follows: 46.67% for sorghum flour and 55.60% for cowpea flour. It was found that it was technically possible to produce these types of cookies. Several production trials were done and submitted to a panel for sensory analysis. The results showed that amongst different produced cookies, the one with 45% sorghum, 40% wheat, and 15% cowpea was the most appreciated by the members of the test panel. 70% of panelists considered them as "very good" against 30% who considered them as "good". 60% of test panelists indicate that cookies with 50% sorghum, 40% wheat and 10% cowpea were "good", against 40% who thought they were "not too bad". Meanwhile 50% of the test panelists considered that the cookies made of 55% sorghum, 40% wheat and 5% cowpea were "good" against 50% who indicate this as "bad" and "not too bad". Proximate analysis of the cookies of trial 3 showed that it contained about 12.50% proteins, 84.10% carbohydrates, 27.34% lipids and 1.50% fiber.
DJOULDE DARMAN Roger, Fadi Goygoy, Djomdi
Original scientific paper
Comparisons between flour qualities produced by three different mills: buhler, quadrumat, and industry mills
Three types of mills (Buhler, Quadrumat, and industry mill) have been used to determine the effect of mill type on the quality of the produced flour. Quadrumat and Buhler mills are usually used to produce flour at a laboratory level. Flour quality has been determined physically, chemically, and rheologically. Results showed that the particle size of flour produced by Buhler mill (FPB) was finer (mostly less than 132 μm) than other produced flour, while flour produced by Quadrumat mill (FPQ) had 8% particle size bigger than 50gg, which is more than Iraqi accepted limit (5%). The moisture content of FPQ exceeded the moisture content limit (14%). While, all flour produced by industry mills (FPI) was within the Iraqi standard in term of particle sizes and moisture content. Gluten content of FPB was higher than other produced flours; however, most increments were not significantly different. The results also showed that using different mills has no clear effect on the gluten index and alpha-amylase activity. Farinogram and extensogram results showed that FPQ was stronger than other produced flour followed by FPI. In conclusion, the quality of FPQ was closer to the quality of FPI, however, Quadrumat mill needs to be adjusted to produce flour with finer particle sizes and lower moisture content. The Buhler mill, on the other hand, needs to be adjusted to produce flour with bigger particle size. Both laboratory mills (Quadrumat and Buhler) need to be adjusted to produce flour that expresses FPI correctly.
Abeer Alhendi, Tamadher H. Ahmad, Wasan S. Albayati, Balsam Q. Almukhtar, Zahraa K. Ali, Nuhoodh K. Al-Hayani
Original scientific paper
Reduced Meat Consumption: from Multicriteria Argument Modelling to Agent-Based Social Simulation
A second nutrition transition seems to be emerging towards more plant-based diets, curbing meat consumption in developed countries at the beginning of the 21st century. This shift suggests that rational arguments tend to influence an increasing number of individuals to adopt vegetarian diets. This work aimed to understand and simulate the impact of different types of messages on the choice to change food diets at the individual level, and the impact of the diffusion of opinions at the collective level. It provided two results: (1) a network of arguments around vegetarian diets is modelled using an abstract argumentation approach. Each argument, formalized by a node, was connected with other arguments by arrows, thus formalizing relationships between arguments. This methodology made it possible to formalize an argument network about vegetarian diets and to identify the importance of health arguments compared to ethical or other types of arguments. This methodology also identified key arguments as a result of their high centrality in being challenged or challenging other arguments. The results of constructing this argument network suggested that any controversy surrounding vegetarian diets will be polarized around such high centrality arguments about health. Even though few ethical arguments appeared in our network, the health arguments concerning the necessity or not of animal products for humans were indirectly connected with ethical choices towards vegetarian diets; (2) an agent-based simulation of the social diffusion of opinions and practices concerning meat consumption is then introduced. The purpose of this simulation was to capture the balance of vegetarian vs. meat-based diets. It contributes to modelling consumer choices by exploring the balance between individual values and external influences such as social pressure, communication campaigns and sanitary, environmental or ethical crises.
Rallou Thomopoulos, Nicolas Salliou, Carolina Abreu, Vincent Cohen, Timothée Fouqueray
Original scientific paper
Characterization of total phenol and flavonoid contents, colour, functional properties from honey samples with different floral origins
Honey has long been used as a food and has been reported to have potential health benefits. In this work, total phenol content, colour and antioxidant and hepatoprotective activities of honey samples of different floral origins from the State of Hidalgo, Mexico were explored using in vitro assays. Hepatoprotective activity was measured by inhibitition of β-glucuronidase; gastroprotective activity was determined by inhibition of urease; antioxidant activity was evaluated by 2,2'-Azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) and 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) methods. All the parameters showed significant differences (p<0.05) among honey samples. The total phenolic content ranged from 18.02 to 102.77 mg GAE 100 g-1. The colour ranged from extra light amber to dark amber. Inhibition of β-glucuronidase ranged from 23.70% to 36.00%, while urease inhibition ranged between 7.64% and 63.80%. The antioxidant activity by ABTS was between 44.68 and 441.56 mg AAE 100 g-1, and DPPH showed activities ranging from 35.64 to 573.06 mg AAE 100 g-1. All honey samples contained bioactive compounds and displayed functional properties; therefore, the honeys from this region of Mexico offer attractive characteristics for their potential use in the food industry.
Alma Delia Hernández-Fuentes, David Chávez-Borges, Antonio de Jesús Cenobio-Galindo, Andrea Paloma Zepeda-Velázquez, Ana Cristina Figueira, Rubén Jiménez-Alvarado, Rafael Germán Campos-Montiel
Original scientific paper
Influence of Raw Meat Content on 3D-Printing and Rheological Properties
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of raw chicken meat content on the rheological properties and 3D printability of minced meat mixtures using different concentrations of raw and cooked chicken meat. The meat mass contained yolk, crushed ice, lean raw meat and cooked meat with a high concentration of connective tissue. The concentrations of raw meat added to cooked meat as a percentage of the total weight of meat were 0; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70 and 100. To determine the rheological properties, amplitude sweep and frequency sweep were carried out with a Rheostress RS 300 (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.). Cubes were printed, and the printability and optical impression were evaluated using grades from 1-5. The results showed that rheological properties had a strong influence on the printability of meat mass and it is necessary for G' (storage modulus) at the LVR (linear viscoelastic region) to be higher than 7000 Pa. The complex viscosity |η*| should be higher than 170 Pa, at a shear stress τ = 10 Pa, and a frequency f = 10 Hz used to guarantee sufficient solidity.
Marius Herold, Sören Morick, Oliver Hensel, Uwe Grupa
Original scientific paper
Effects of addition of swine skin on the technological characteristics of mortadella produced in an industrial unit
The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of the addition of swine skin on the technological characteristics of mortadella formulations produced on industrial scale. The effects of concentrations of swine skin (1.5 to 5.5 %) and sodium chloride (2 to 3 %) on total protein, total fat, starch, moisture, water activity, sodium, pH and texture profile (hardness, adhesiveness, elasticity, cohesiveness and chewiness) were evaluated and compared to a mortadella formulation without swine skin addition. The mortadella formulations with addition of 3.5 to 5.5 % swine skin and 2 to 2.5 % sodium chloride are in accordance with Brazilian legislation and provided an increase of approximately 12 % in protein content, a decrease of 14 % in sodium content and a water activity less than 0.9488. The swine skin and sodium chloride provided stability to the mortadella and influenced its texture, mainly in hardness, elasticity and chewiness.
Karem Muraro, Jamile Zeni, Rogério Luis Cansian, Juliana Steffens, Eunice Valduga, Geciane Toniazzo Backes
Original scientific paper
Effect of storage on physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of goat milk fermented by Lactobacillus strains isolated from minas artisanal cheeses
Lactobacillus spp. are lactic acid bacteria which have important implications for the food industry due to their fermentation capacities. The aims of this research were to produce fermented goat milks with Lactobacillus plantarum B7 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus D1, isolated from Brazilian artisanal cheeses, and to evaluate their physico-chemical, microbiological and sensorial qualities during 30 days of storage at 7°C. The goat milks, fermented by B7, D1, co-culture and a Lactobacillus casei Shirota control, possessed acceptable physico-chemical characteristics to meet fermented milk standards established by Brazilian legislation and maintain the viability of Lactobacillus spp. throughout the shelf life of the products. The products were microbiologically safe. D1 fermented goat milk gave higher consumer sensory quality acceptance and purchase intention (p<0.05) than other treatments, thus Lactobacillus rhamnosus D1 is recommended for fermented goat milk production.
Gustavo Valente, Leonardo B. Acurcio, Ranier C. Figueiredo, Felipe M. Sant'Anna, Rommel F. Brito, Luigi P. V. Freitas, Andréia M. Silva, Marcelo R. Souza, Cláudia F. A. M. Penna