Influence of Raw Meat Content on 3D-Printing and Rheological Properties

Marius Herold Orcid logo ,
Marius Herold
Contact Marius Herold

University of Applied Science Fulda, Regional Innovation Centre for Health and Quality of Life Fulda (RIGL)

Sören Morick ,
Sören Morick

University of Applied Science Fulda, Department of Food Technology

Oliver Hensel Orcid logo ,
Oliver Hensel

Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, Section of Agricultural Engineering, University of Kassel

Uwe Grupa Orcid logo
Uwe Grupa

University of Applied Science Fulda, Department of Food Technology

Published: 18.05.2021.

Volume 10, Issue 1 (2021)

pp. 195-202;


The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of raw chicken meat content on the rheological properties and 3D printability of minced meat mixtures using different concentrations of raw and cooked chicken meat. The meat mass contained yolk, crushed ice, lean raw meat and cooked meat with a high concentration of connective tissue. The concentrations of raw meat added to cooked meat as a percentage of the total weight of meat were 0; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70 and 100. To determine the rheological properties, amplitude sweep and frequency sweep were carried out with a Rheostress RS 300 (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.). Cubes were printed, and the printability and optical impression were evaluated using grades from 1-5. The results showed that rheological properties had a strong influence on the printability of meat mass and it is necessary for G' (storage modulus) at the LVR (linear viscoelastic region) to be higher than 7000 Pa. The complex viscosity |η*| should be higher than 170 Pa, at a shear stress τ = 10 Pa, and a frequency f = 10 Hz used to guarantee sufficient solidity.



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