Effects of addition of swine skin on the technological characteristics of mortadella produced in an industrial unit

Karem Muraro ,
Karem Muraro

URI-Câmpus de Erechim

Jamile Zeni ,
Jamile Zeni
Contact Jamile Zeni

URI-Câmpus de Erechim

Rogério Luis Cansian ,
Rogério Luis Cansian

URI-Câmpus de Erechim

Juliana Steffens ,
Juliana Steffens

URI-Câmpus de Erechim

Eunice Valduga ,
Eunice Valduga

URI-Câmpus de Erechim

Geciane Toniazzo Backes
Geciane Toniazzo Backes

URI-Câmpus de Erechim

Published: 18.10.2021.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (2021)

pp. 371-382;



The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of the addition of swine skin on the technological characteristics of mortadella formulations produced on industrial scale. The effects of concentrations of swine skin (1.5 to 5.5 %) and sodium chloride (2 to 3 %) on total protein, total fat, starch, moisture, water activity, sodium, pH and texture profile (hardness, adhesiveness, elasticity, cohesiveness and chewiness) were evaluated and compared to a mortadella formulation without swine skin addition. The mortadella formulations with addition of 3.5 to 5.5 % swine skin and 2 to 2.5 % sodium chloride are in accordance with Brazilian legislation and provided an increase of approximately 12 % in protein content, a decrease of 14 % in sodium content and a water activity less than 0.9488. The swine skin and sodium chloride provided stability to the mortadella and influenced its texture, mainly in hardness, elasticity and chewiness.



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