Assessment of nutritional composition in elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Dennst- Nicolson) cultivars

Amit Singh ,
Amit Singh
Arvind Chaurasiya ,
Arvind Chaurasiya
Surajit Mitra
Surajit Mitra

Published: 01.12.2015.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (2016)


Elephant foot yams make a significant contribution to diets in tribal people of India. However, there is insufficient study of their nutritional and antioxidant value. In this paper the various traits of eleven cultivars of elephant foot yam: BCA-1, BCA-2, BCA-4, BCA-5, BCA-6, NDA-4, NDA-5, NDA-9, IGAM-1, AC-28 and Gajendra were studied and observed during the growth and development stage. The cultivar of BCA-6 contained the maximum amount of starch and total phenol at 100 Days After Planting (DAP) while cv., NDA-9 and NDA-5 showed the maximum content of starch and total phenol at 250 DAP respectively. However, the cultivar BCA-1 stored the maximum amount of carbohydrate at 100 DAP whereas ascorbic acid and β-carotene content was highest at 250 DAP. The protein amount was maximum in cv., BCA-2 and AC-28 at 100 and 250 DAP respectively. This information will provide breeders with the ability to develop desirable types of elephant foot yams having high yields and better nutritional profiles.



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