Sourdoughs Used in the Preparation of Traditional Bread in the Province of Figuig in Eastern Morocco

Sara Moujabbir ,
Sara Moujabbir

Laboratory of Biotechnology, Biochemistry & Nutrition. Training and Research Unit on Nutrition & Food Sciences. Chouaib Doukkali University. School of Sciences, El Jadida, Morocco

Abdelghani Aboukhalaf ,
Abdelghani Aboukhalaf

Laboratory of Biotechnology, Biochemistry & Nutrition. Training and Research Unit on Nutrition & Food Sciences. Chouaib Doukkali University. School of Sciences, El Jadida, Morocco

Adil Kalili ,
Adil Kalili

Laboratory of Biotechnology, Biochemistry & Nutrition. Training and Research Unit on Nutrition & Food Sciences. Chouaib Doukkali University. School of Sciences, El Jadida, Morocco

Kaoutar Naciri ,
Kaoutar Naciri

Laboratory of Biotechnology, Biochemistry & Nutrition. Training and Research Unit on Nutrition & Food Sciences. Chouaib Doukkali University. School of Sciences, El Jadida, Morocco

Khadija Sahel ,
Khadija Sahel

Laboratory of Biotechnology, Biochemistry & Nutrition. Training and Research Unit on Nutrition & Food Sciences. Chouaib Doukkali University. School of Sciences, El Jadida, Morocco

Joao Miguel Rocha ,
Joao Miguel Rocha

LEPABE – Laboratory for Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal

Rekia Belahsen
Rekia Belahsen
Contact Rekia Belahsen

Laboratory of Biotechnology, Biochemistry & Nutrition. Training and Research Unit on Nutrition & Food Sciences. Chouaib Doukkali University. School of Sciences, El Jadida, Morocco

Published: 18.04.2023.

Volume 12, Issue 1 (2023)

pp. 71-83;


To gather recipes for traditional sourdoughs used to bake traditional bread, a survey was conducted in Figuig, a town located in the southeast of Morocco. The data of this survey is collected from a random sample of 100 rural women using a structured questionnaire. The data shows a total of 17 different traditional recipes mentioned by the interviewed women. Among the ingredients used in these recipes, whole wheat flour and warm water had the highest percentage of citations (31 %). It was also observed that 9 local products were used in these sourdough recipes, including whey, locally called “leben” (19 %), dried beans (16 %) and dates (15 %). Lemon, garlic, dried figs, raisins, flax seeds and carob flour were also mentioned as ingredients (1%). The participants also stated that the sourdoughs are transferred to different shapes and types of utensils for incubation and were alive for a variable amount of time depending on climatic conditions.



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