Chia (Salvia hispanica) can be used to manufacture sugar-snap cookies with an improved nutritional value

V.A. Barrientos ,
V.A. Barrientos

Chia (Salvia hispanica) can be used to manufacture sugar-snap cookies with an improved nutritional value Argentina

A. Aguirre ,
A. Aguirre

Catedra Quımica Aplicada. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fısicas y Naturales., National University of Córdoba , Córdoba , Argentina

ICYTAC (CONICET - Universidad Nacional de Cordoba).

Rafael Borneo
Rafael Borneo
Contact Rafael Borneo

Centro de Excelencia en Procesos y Productos Cordoba (CEPROCOR). Ministerio Ciencia y Tecnologıa, National University of Córdoba , Córdoba , Argentina

Catedra Quımica Aplicada. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fısicas y Naturales., National University of Córdoba , Córdoba , Argentina

ICYTAC (CONICET - Universidad Nacional de Cordoba). Argentina

Published: 18.10.2012.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (2012)

pp. 135-143;


Technologists and nutritionists are always looking for alternative ingredients to use in their formulations to improve functional and nutritional properties. Therefore, cookies using Chia (Salvia hispanica), a grain with high quality nutrients, were prepared. The nutritional value was determined by measuring the chemical composition, mineral content, and the fatty acid composition (saturated, monunsaturated, polyunsaturated, linoleic and linolenic acids). Data obtained from this chemical analysis was used to estimate the nutrients intake and compare them to the dietary reference intakes (DRIs). Cookies supplemented with chia flour contained signicantly more protein, fat, crude fiber, calcium, zinc, and alpha-linolenic (n-3) acid. It was estimated that the supplemented cookies would contribute to the corresponding DRIs in the range of 8.1-13.8% (children) and 6.5-11.0% (males/females) for calcium; and 14.0-18.0% (children) and 6.4-11.3 (males/females) for zinc. The addition of chia flour to the cookies resulted in a product sensorially acceptable with a better fatty acid profile (lower n-6/n-3). Supplemented cookies would contribute to alpha-linolenic DRI in the range of 65.9-134.5% (children), 49.4-100.9% (males), and 53.9-110.0% (females). Dietary intake of protein, fiber, calcium, zinc, and alpha-linolenic (n-3) acid could be increased by the consumption of sugar-snap cookies supplemented with chia flour.



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