Reproducibility and correlation between meat shear force measurements by Warner-Bratzler machine and a texturometer

Lucas Arantes-Pereira ,
Lucas Arantes-Pereira
Contact Lucas Arantes-Pereira

Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering, Federal University of São Paulo , São Paulo , Brazil

Flavia C. Vargas ,
Flavia C. Vargas

Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering, Federal University of São Paulo , São Paulo , Brazil

Julio C. de C. Balieiro ,
Julio C. de C. Balieiro

Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering, Federal University of São Paulo , São Paulo , Brazil

Ana Monica Q. B. Bittante ,
Ana Monica Q. B. Bittante

Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering, Federal University of São Paulo , São Paulo , Brazil

Paulo J. do A. Sobral
Paulo J. do A. Sobral

Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering, Federal University of São Paulo , São Paulo , Brazil

Published: 18.10.2016.

Volume 5, Issue 2 (2016)

pp. 193-202;


Tenderness has a prominent position on meat quality and is considered to be the sensory characteristic that most influences meat acceptance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and determine correlations among three different meat shear force techniques. Commercial samples of bovine Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (BLTL), Tensor fasciae latae (BTFL), Semitendinosus (BST), Psoas major (BPM), Biceps femoris (BBF) and swine Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (PLTL) were analyzed for pH, proximate composition, cooking loss and shear force with a classical Warner-Bratzler device and a TA-XT2 Texturometer equipped with shear blades 1 and 3 mm thick. The effect of different techniques in each studied muscle was statistically analyzed and regression curves were built. Results from the 1 mm blade were quite similar to the ones obtained with the Warner-Bratzler, however the results from 3 mm blade were overestimated (p<0.05). Significant correlation (p<0.01) among shear force technique using Warner-Bratzler and the ones using the Texturometer was observed (0.47 for 1 mm blade and 0.57 for the 3 mm blade). In conclusion, we found that the 1 mm blade and the Warner-Bratzler machine are reproducible for all tested muscles, while the 3 mm blade is not reproducible for the BTFL, BST, BPM, BBF, PLTL. There is a significant correlation between the results obtained by the classical Warner-Bratzler and the TA XT2 Texturometer equipped with both blades. Therefore, TA-XT2 Texturometer equipped with the 1mm blade can perfectly replace the traditional Warner-Bratzler device.



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