Antioxidants, their properties, uses in food products and their legal implications

Indrajit D. Thorat ,
Indrajit D. Thorat
Dipali D. Jagtap ,
Dipali D. Jagtap
Debabandya Mohapatra ,
Debabandya Mohapatra
D. C. Joshi ,
D. C. Joshi
R. F. Sutar ,
R. F. Sutar
S. S. Kapdi
S. S. Kapdi

Published: 01.12.2012.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (2013)


Oxidation decreases consumer acceptability of food by changing its organoleptic properties, destroying essential nutrients and producing toxic compounds. Antioxidants delay oxidation of lipids in foods as well in human systems. Studies reveal that synthetic antioxidants may trigger diseases in human when consumed over a certain concentration. The toxicological effects of synthetic food antioxidants have been the focus of controversy in recent years. There is scope to use natural antioxidants, present in many components of food and plant sources, as a preservative. In this review different synthetic and natural antioxidants present in various foods, reactions with food and the biological system, extraction techniques and their pitfalls as well as legal implication are discussed.



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