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Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024

Online ISSN: 2182-1054

Volume 13 , Issue 2, (2024)

Published: 18.10.2024.

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Original scientific paper

Reduced Meat Consumption: from Multicriteria Argument Modelling to Agent-Based Social Simulation

A second nutrition transition seems to be emerging towards more plant-based diets, curbing meat consumption in developed countries at the beginning of the 21st century. This shift suggests that rational arguments tend to influence an increasing number of individuals to adopt vegetarian diets. This work aimed to understand and simulate the impact of different types of messages on the choice to change food diets at the individual level, and the impact of the diffusion of opinions at the collective level. It provided two results: (1) a network of arguments around vegetarian diets is modelled using an abstract argumentation approach. Each argument, formalized by a node, was connected with other arguments by arrows, thus formalizing relationships between arguments. This methodology made it possible to formalize an argument network about vegetarian diets and to identify the importance of health arguments compared to ethical or other types of arguments. This methodology also identified key arguments as a result of their high centrality in being challenged or challenging other arguments. The results of constructing this argument network suggested that any controversy surrounding vegetarian diets will be polarized around such high centrality arguments about health. Even though few ethical arguments appeared in our network, the health arguments concerning the necessity or not of animal products for humans were indirectly connected with ethical choices towards vegetarian diets; (2) an agent-based simulation of the social diffusion of opinions and practices concerning meat consumption is then introduced. The purpose of this simulation was to capture the balance of vegetarian vs. meat-based diets. It contributes to modelling consumer choices by exploring the balance between individual values and external influences such as social pressure, communication campaigns and sanitary, environmental or ethical crises.

Rallou Thomopoulos, Nicolas Salliou, Carolina Abreu, Vincent Cohen, Timothée Fouqueray


Original scientific paper

Applications of High Pressure Technology in Food Processing

Consumer trends towards shelf-stable, safe, more natural and free from additives foods drove the need to investigate the commercial application of non-thermal food processing technologies. High pressure processing (HPP) is one such emerging technology where foods are generally subjected to high pressure (100-1000 MPa), with or without heat. Similar to heat pasteurization, HPP deactivates pathogenic microorganisms and enzymes, extends shelf life, denatures proteins, and modifies structure and texture of foods. However, unlike thermal processing, HPP can retain the quality of fresh food products, with little or no impact on nutritional value and organoleptic properties. Moreover, HPP is independent of the geometry (shape and size) of food products. The retention of food quality attributes, whilst prolonging shelf life, are enormous benefits to both food manufacturers and consumers. Researches have indicated that the combination of HPP and other treatments, based on the hurdle technology concept, has potential synergistic effects. With further advancement of the technology and its large-scale commercialization, the cost and limitations of this technology will probably reduce in the near future. The current review focuses on the mechanism and system of HPP and its applications in the processing of fruit, vegetables, meat, milk, fish and seafood, and eggs and their derived products.

K. R. Jolvis Pou


Original scientific paper

Functional and Pasting Properties of Gari Produced from White-fleshed Cassava Roots as Affected by Packaging Materials and Storage Periods, and Sensory Attributes of the Cooked Gari Dough (eba)

Gari (roasted fermented cassava grits) is the most popular product consumed in West Africa and an important food product in the diet of millions of people in developing countries. The study investigated the effect of packaging materials (PM) and storage periods on the functional and pasting properties of Gari produced from white-fleshed cassava roots and sensory attributes of the cooked Gari dough (eba). Gari was produced using the standard method and packaged in a polypropylene woven sack (PP) and polyvinyl chloride container (PVC). Gari was stored for 24 weeks at room temperature and sampled at four-week intervals for functional and pasting properties, and sensory evaluation of the eba, using standard methods. The results showed that the storage periods significantly affected all the functional (except swelling power) and pasting properties of the Gari, and PM had no significant (p>0.05) effect on the functional (except bulk density) and pasting properties. Also, the PM had no significant effect on the sensory attributes of the eba except for the mouldability (p<0.05). The setback viscosity of the Gari packaged in PVC had a significant (p<0.05, r= -0.58) negative correlation with the texture of the eba. The panellists preferred all the sensory attributes of the eba made from the Gari stored in PP compared to that made from Gari stored in PVC. Therefore, packaging Gari in PP may keep most of the properties preferred by consumers when stored for up to 5 months.

Wasiu Awoyale, Hakeem Oyedele, Busie Maziya-Dixon


Original scientific paper

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor: A Process Design for Interesterification of Macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) palm oil

Other than the edible oils extracted from the Acrocomia aculeata fruit, there is a growing interest in the palm to generate other high value-added products. Relatively high amounts of carotenoids (up to 378 mg kg-1) have been found in the esculent oils mechanically obtained from the fruit mesocarp. From industrial application perspectives, several processes have been proposed to modify native vegetable oils to yield high functional properties of structured lipids. For interesterified products, the thermal effects of industrial reactors are crucial in reaction mechanisms. The present study has taken into account previously estimated kinetic parameters for the overall disappearances of all-trans β-carotene in the Acrocomia aculeata oil (ko= 2.6 x 10-4 min-1; Ea = 105.0003 kJ mol-1; ΔH = 9.8 x 104 J kg-1) to develop a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) kinetic treatment that obeys first-order kinetics. A system of ordinary dierential equations - mass and energy balances - was solved by the 4th order Runge-Kutta method (GNU Octave software). Under research conditions related to interesterification processing (2 h; 393.15 K), the initial concentration of carotenoids (around 11%) showed no significant decrease. Overall, realistic processing effects and conditions have been assessed, integrating results and knowledge, improving prospects of Acrocomia aculeata as a promising source of high-quality raw material, for producing functional ingredients and food with nutraceutical properties.

Pedro Valério, Isabella Fonseca Araujo, Juan Canellas Bosch Neto, Jesus Maria Frias Celayeta, Erika Cristina Cren


Original scientific paper

Influence of Raw Meat Content on 3D-Printing and Rheological Properties

The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of raw chicken meat content on the rheological properties and 3D printability of minced meat mixtures using different concentrations of raw and cooked chicken meat. The meat mass contained yolk, crushed ice, lean raw meat and cooked meat with a high concentration of connective tissue. The concentrations of raw meat added to cooked meat as a percentage of the total weight of meat were 0; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70 and 100. To determine the rheological properties, amplitude sweep and frequency sweep were carried out with a Rheostress RS 300 (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.). Cubes were printed, and the printability and optical impression were evaluated using grades from 1-5. The results showed that rheological properties had a strong influence on the printability of meat mass and it is necessary for G' (storage modulus) at the LVR (linear viscoelastic region) to be higher than 7000 Pa. The complex viscosity |η*| should be higher than 170 Pa, at a shear stress τ = 10 Pa, and a frequency f = 10 Hz used to guarantee sufficient solidity.

Marius Herold, Sören Morick, Oliver Hensel, Uwe Grupa


Original scientific paper

Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of green coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) water kefir

This research aims to examine the effects of fermentation time on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of green coconut water kefir in order to determine the optimal fermentation time based on the resulting sensory attributes. There were four fermentation time treatments (12, 24, 36, and 48 hours), each with five replications. The materials used were green coconut water and 5% kefir grains. Physical analyses included pH and viscosity, while the chemical analyses included total dissolved solids (TDS), alcohol content, water content, protein content and fat content. Sensory attributes included sourness, soda sensation, sour aroma, viscosity and turbidity. The results showed that fermentation time had significant effects on pH, TDS, alcohol content, water content, protein content and the sensory attributes of green coconut water kefir. Viscosity and fat content were not affected by fermentation time. The ideal fermentation time was 12 hours resulting in a pH level of 4.6, viscosity of 0.09, TDS of 3.8° Brix, alcohol content of 1.16%, water content of 97.14 %, protein content of 6.64 % and fat content of 1.17%. Sensory evaluation found a low level of sourness, low soda sensation, high sour aroma, high viscosity and low turbidity.

Bambang Dwiloka, Heni Rizqiati, Bhakti Etza Setiani


Original scientific paper

Quality of postharvest strawberries: comparative effect of fungal chitosan gel, nanoparticles and gel enriched with edible nanoparticles coatings

This study compared, for the first time, the postharvest conservative action of edible fungal chitosan coatings (gel, nanoparticles and gel-nanoparticle) on the physico-chemical, sensorial and microbiological characteristics of strawberries. The nanoparticles were prepared by an ionic gelation method and characterized by dynamic light scattering and scanning electron microscopy. The antioxidant (DPPH* and ABTS*) activity of the edible coatings and the antimicrobial (macrodilution method) action against phytopathogenic fungi were verified. The nanoparticles had a size of 331.1 nm and a zeta potential of+ 34 mV. The gel, nanoparticles and gel+nanoparticles exhibited minimum inhibitory concentration values ranging from 4 to 5, 1.5 to 2.5 and 1.0 + 0.5 to 2.0 + 1.5 g.L-1, respectively. All the edible coatings exhibited antifungal action. All the coatings had high scavenging activity, especially the gel edible coating. The coatings, especially the gel+nanoparticles, decreased the weight loss, microbiological growth, soluble solids, maturity index and moisture loss of the strawberry and preserved the pH values, anthocyanin content, titratable acidity and sensory characteristics. Therefore, the use of chitosan edible coating containing nanoparticles can be a promising strategy to improve the post-harvest quality of strawberries.

Natália Melo, Maria Manuela Estevez Pintado, José Alberto da Costa Medeiros, André Galembeck, Margarida Angélica da Silva Vasconcelos, Viviane Lansky Xavier, Marcos Antônio Barbosa de Lima, Tânia Lucia Montenegro Stamford, Thatiana Montenegro Stamford–Arnaud, Miguel Angel Pelágio Flores, Thayza Christina Montenegro Stamford


Original scientific paper

Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning Through a Project-Based Assignment on Note by Note Cooking

Many innovative teaching and learning methods are used in higher level education including project-based learning (PBL). Since 2012 a PBL assignment project has been undertaken by master students of the Advanced Molecular Gastronomy module at Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin). The aim is to stimulate student learning and creativity by using Note by Note cooking in a PBL assignment while at the same time complying with the requirements of the annual International Note by Note contest which is held in Paris, France. Direct and indirect assessment methods were used to assign individual grades and to gather student feedback about the module. The direct methods were both formative and summative. The indirect method used was a student feedback questionnaire. Results to date (2012-2019) showed that 92% of learners successfully passed the module. However, further evaluation of individual assessment results revealed that most students achieved higher scores for finding and using resources, asking further questions and developing their own answers than for analysing, synthesising and evaluating information (P≤0.01). Overall students were happy with the module content and said that they learnt about Note by Note cooking, chemical compounds, researching, independent-thinking and perseverance. In future students should carry out a more in-depth analysis, synthesis and evaluation of information.

Róisín M. Burke, Pauline Danaher


Original scientific paper

Research, development and capacity building for food and nutrition security in sub-Saharan Africa

This paper focuses on research, development, and capacity building in relation to food and nutrition security (FNS) in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It looks at human capacity, education, teaching and learning, women empowerment, research, innovation and technology, research, indigenous knowledge (IK), institutional aspects, infrastructure, information and communication technologies (ICT), policies and finance. Professional bodies exist in many countries and the extent to which they engage in FNS awareness creation differs. Food and nutrition insecurity continues to affect people in Africa’s 54 nations where the population is expected to double by 2050 with the expected doubling of food production to keep pace with population growth. Within the continent there is a substantial number of human capacity professionals who are global leaders in food, nutrition and related professions. Some research organisations in the continent directly or indirectly benefit from grants administered by developed economies but a challenge exists with brain drain and ageing of qualified and experienced experts. Increasing educational need, coupled with the growing population necessitates attention to ensuring a sustained supply of highly trained, adequately equipped and qualified professionals in the relevant fields of food and nutrition sciences. Higher educational institutions exist in especially those that fall within the 500 in world universities ranking. Research activities take place in the continent along with the translation of research outputs into commercialisable products. Research towards transforming agriculture for improved livelihoods is taking place in different parts of the continent. Education, governance, gender and rural development are the key challenges. Income growth and the impacts of climate change on food production have contributed to food insecurity. ICTs can play an important role for FNS. Strengthening research, development, capacity building and industry cooperation are critical for FNS in Africa.

Afam I. O. Jideani


Original scientific paper

Estimation of the dietary exposure of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Syria and their health risks assessment

In this work, the exposure of people, through their diet, to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) has been assessed for the urban, rural, and general populations in Syria. The food categories consumed have been divided into major groups, and the health risk assessment on dietary exposure of PAHs determined in each food category. For this purpose, two approaches were used: incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR) and margin of exposure approach (MOE). The results showed that each of the following food categories: oils and fats, meat and meat products, vegetables, and cereals dominantly contribute in the dietary exposure of PAHs. Also their MOE values are the lowest. Additionally, they have higher ILCR values. Therefore, these groups are a main risk source to health. On the other hand, the dietary exposure of PAHs in each of urban, rural and general populations was of low health concern, whereas their ILCR values reached to 10E-05 in total food categories, nevertheless it remains lower than serious risk level (ILCR>10E-04). This work is the first study that is dealing with dietary exposure of PAHs and their health risk assessment in Syria.


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