Texture analysis of blanched vegetables using high- and low-speed measuring methods

Christian Schmitt ,
Christian Schmitt
Contact Christian Schmitt

Section of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, University of Kassel , Kassel , Germany

Department of Food Technology, University of Applied Sciences Fulda Germany

Thomas Friedl ,
Thomas Friedl

Department of Food Technology, University of Applied Sciences Fulda , Fulda , Germany

Nadine Mattes ,
Nadine Mattes

Section of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, University of Kassel , Kassel , Germany

Department of Food Technology, University of Applied Sciences Fulda Germany

Uwe Grupa ,
Uwe Grupa

Department of Food Technology, University of Applied Sciences Fulda Germany

Oliver Hensel
Oliver Hensel

Section of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, University of Kassel , Kassel , Germany

Published: 18.04.2017.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (2017)

pp. 1-12;



Quality reductions of raw and cooked vegetables are caused by forces generated during industrial high-speed manufacturing. However, the transferability of low-speed texture measurement methods to high speed processes is limited. Therefore, analyses with a low-speed uniaxial compression test (breaking strength σ, breaking strain ε) and a high-speed pendulum test (relative fracture height ∆h) at different speeds (3.6, 4.4, 5.3 m s−1 ) were carried out. Textural values for potatoes, carrots and celeriacs (0 to 25 min cooking time) were recorded to compare the two measurement methods. Furthermore, whether the increase of textural values of blanched vegetables measured with low-speed methods, was also observable with high-speed methods, was also investigated. Low to medium rank correlation coefficients (rS < 0.659) between parameters of the two methods were calculated. In contrast to σ and ε, ∆h-values indicate a distinct initial increase as well as textural maxima between 5.0 to 12.5 min cooking time for all tested potato and carrot varieties. On the other hand, most celeriac samples did not exhibit an increase in texture with respect to cooking time. Therefore, a textural analysis at high speeds is necessary for the prediction of textural characteristics of blanched vegetables during high-speed processing in order to reduce quality degradation.



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