Current issue

Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024
Online ISSN: 2182-1054
Volume 13 , Issue 2, (2024)
Published: 18.10.2024.
Open Access
All issues
Original scientific paper
The relationship between antibrowning, anti-radical and reducing capacity of Brassica and Allium extracts
Aqueous vegetable extracts from Allium and Brassica families were assayed for antibrowning capacity and related to their anti-radical and reducing power activities. The treatment of mushrooms and avocado slices, with white cabbage, cauliflower, garlic and scallion extracts, reduced color changes during storage at 4 °C and -18 °C. Storage temperature and the type of extract employed influenced change of color variables. The contribution of polyphenols on measured antioxidant activity of extracts was also discussed. Allium antibrowning properties were closely related to antioxidant capacity, while the Brassica extracts were less effective. Treatment with Allium extracts extended the storage time of frozen and refrigerated mushrooms and avocado slices, in comparison with untreated samples.
Mariela C Bustos, Lina Marcela Agudelo-Laverde, Florencia Mazzobre, Pilar Buera
Original scientific paper
Effect of Buckwheat Processing Products on Dough and Bread Quality Made from Whole-Wheat Flour
The paper gives a brief overview of the current nutritional status of the Ukrainian population and describes useful buckwheat properties. The objective of the paper is to study the effect of buckwheat processing products (flour and flakes) on the technological process and quality of bread made from whole-wheat flour. This paper describes and analyzes research data on the rheological properties of dough samples which were determined by farinograph and amylograph. Investigation of structural and mechanical properties of dough showed an increase in water-absorbing capacity in all samples when adding buckwheat products. Moreover, dough made with buckwheat flakes has a lower value of mixing tolerance index (by 47 %) than dough made from buckwheat flour, and a higher valorimetric value (by 20 %). Determination of dough properties by amylogram has shown that a sample containing buckwheat flakes has a higher maximum viscosity than a sample containing buckwheat flour. Determination of the gas-production and gas-retention capacity of dough is also presented, along with an analysis of the quality of finished products based on the results of laboratory baking tests. The samples of bread supplemented with buckwheat flakes have better shape stability (by 21 %), specific volume (by 12 %) and porosity (by 11 %) than bread made from buckwheat flour. The organoleptic evaluation of finished product quality has shown that bread supplemented with buckwheat flakes has a more fluffy-texture, elastic crumb and uniform porosity than bread made from buckwheat flour. Buckwheat flakes proved to have a better effect on parameters of the technological process and quality of bread when compared with buckwheat flour.
Anastasiya Semenova, Anastasiya Semenova, Jelyzaveta Smirnova, Larisa Mykhonik
Original scientific paper
Vegetable milks and their fermented derivative products
The so-called vegetable milks are in the spotlight thanks to their lactose-free, animal protein-free and cholesterol-free features which fit well with the current demand for healthy food products. Nevertheless, and with the exception of soya, little information is available about these types of milks and their derivatives. The aims of this review, therefore, are to: highlight the main nutritional benefits of the nut and cereal vegetable milks available on the market, fermented or not; describe the basic processing steps involved in their manufacturing process; and analyze the major problems affecting their overall quality, together with the current feasible solutions. On the basis of the information gathered, vegetable milks and their derivatives have excellent nutritional properties which provide them a high potential and positive market expectation. Nevertheless, optimal processing conditions for each raw material or the application of new technologies have to be researched in order to improve the quality of the products. Hence, further studies need to be developed to ensure the physical stability of the products throughout their whole shelf-life. These studies would also allow for a reduction in the amount of additives (hydrocolloids and/or emulsifiers) and thus reduce the cost of the products. In the particular case of fermented products, the use of starters which are able to both improve the quality (by synthesizing enhanced flavors and providing optimal textures) and exert health benefits for consumers (i.e. probiotics) is the main challenge to be faced in future studies.
Neus Bernat, Maite Cháfer, Amparo Chiralt, Chelo González-Martínez
Original scientific paper
Dried Fruit Matrices Incorporated with a Probiotic Strain of Lactobacillus plantarum
The development of fruits and vegetables containing probiotics is a topic of great interest and popularity for health-conscious consumers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of using dried fruit matrices as delivery vehicles for probiotics. Different fruits — kiwi, mango, strawberry, pineapple, banana — were used as food matrices to test the viability of a strain of Lactobacillus plantarum, which was determined after drying at 40ºC and at different storage times. Cell survival after drying decreased by ca. 1 log in banana and strawberry, to 3 log, for kiwi. The bacterial numbers in banana and strawberry dried pieces at the time of storage at room temperature and 4ºC were approximately 107 cfu/g. After 37 days storage at room temperature, no viable counts were observed in any of the fruits studied. However, at 4ºC after this period of time, viable cells were detected for all the fruits (1.9x106 cfu/g, 1.5x105 cfu/g 1.5x105 cfu/g, 4.7x104 cfu/g 8.0x103 cfu/g, for strawberry, banana, kiwi, mango and pineapple, respectively).
Catarina Ribeiro, Ricardo Freixo, Joana Silva, Paul Gibbs, Alcina Morais, Paula Teixeira
Original scientific paper
Effect of texturized soy protein on quality characteristics of beef samosas
Texturized soy protein (TSP) granules obtained from defatted soy flour were used to replace beef at 25, 50, 75 and 100% levels in samosa stuffing. The moisture, protein and ash content of the stuffing increased with an increase in the amount of texturized soy protein while the fat content decreased significantly (p<0.05) with an increase in the amount of texturized soy protein. Sensory evaluation of baked samosas showed no significant (p>0.05) difference in appearance, taste and overall acceptability with inclusion of texturized soy protein. However there were significant (p<0.05) differences in flavour, texture and willingness to purchase between 100% beef and 100% TSP samosas. There was a reduction in the moisture content while the protein, fat, ash and carbohydrate content increased in baked as compared to raw samples, both in the control and TSP50 samosas. The caloric value of the baked samosas was 24.07% lower in TSP added samples compared to 100% beef samples (control). Lipid oxidation increased with storage time from 0.25 to 0.68 mg malonaldehyde/kg in the control and from 0.21 to 0.39 mg malonaldehyde/kg in TSP50 samosas. The oxidation in the control was significantly (p<0.05) higher than in TSP50. The results suggest that TSP granules can be use with up to 50% addition in samosa products without significant differences in sensory attributes.
Mary Omwamba, Symon M. Mahungu, Abdul K. Faraj
Original scientific paper
Effects of Lactic Acid Fermentation on the Retention of Β-Carotene Content in Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes
This study aimed to establish the effects of lactic fermentation on the levels of β-carotene in selected orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) varieties from Kenya. Furthermore,it sought to demonstrate fermentation as a potential process for making new products from sweet potato with enhanced nutraceutical attributes. The varieties (Zapallo, Nyathiodiewo and SPK004/06) were fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum MTCC 1407 at 25 ± 2°C for 48 h and kept for 28 days to make lacto-pickles. During fermentation both analytical [pH, titratable acidity (TA), lactic acid (LA), starch, total sugar, reducing sugar (g/kg roots), texture (N/m2), β-carotene (mg/kg roots)] and sensory (texture, taste, flavour and after taste) attributes of sweet potato lacto-juice were evaluated. Process conditions were optimized by varying brine levels, with fermentation time. A UV-visible spectrophotometer was used to identify and quantify β-carotene. Any significant variations (p < 0.05) in analytical attributes between the fermented and unfermented samples (pH, LA, TA and β-carotene concentration) of lacto-pickles, prepared from the potato roots, were assessed. The study reported a final composition of 156.49mg/kg, 0.53mg/kg, 0.3N/m2, 1.3g/kg, 5.86g/kg, 0.5g/kg and 5.86g/kg for β-carotene, Ascorbic acid, texture; Starch, total sugars, LA and TA respectively, and a pH of 3.27. The fermented products were subjected to flavour profiling by a panel. The product sensory scores were 1.5 to 2.5 on a 5 point hedonic scale, ranging from dislike slightly to like much. The products with brine levels at 4 and 6% were most preferred. The retention of β-carotene was 93.97%. This demonstrated lactic acid fermentation as a better method for processing OFSP as the main nutritional attributes are retained. The final product was resistant to spoilage microorganisms after 28 days of fermentation. Further preservation could be obtained by addition of sodium metabisulphite. In conclusion, Lactic acid fermentation using L. plantarum is a novel method of producing Lacto pickles from Zapallo OFSP, with 93.97% β-carotene retention and adequate shelf life.
Benard O. Oloo, A. A. Shitandi, S. Mahungu, J. B. Malinga, Rose B. Ogata
Original scientific paper
The Regulation of Food Science and Technology Professions in Europe
The regulation of a profession is justified when it improves consumer protection and public health. Higher education food science and technology (FST) degrees, widely offered in many universities in Europe open to a wide range of jobs in the food sectors where the employees could cover different positions, roles and carry out diverse activities dealing with the food production and the quality and safety of the food products.This work reviews the state of the art of the FST regulated professions requiring higher education qualifications in the European countries. The research was carried out by collecting specific information on regulated professions by contacting unions, professional associations, public servant categories/professions, and by visiting national and EU websites. The data collected for each regulated profession were: country, training/education required, date of implementation of regulation, professional training (if required), capability test (if required) and acts required by law to be signed by a regulated professional. Only professions that required a higher education diploma were included in this search.Few countries were found to have a regulated profession in FST, in particular: Food Engineering (Turkey), Food Technologist (Greece, Iceland, Italy and Slovenia), and Oenologist (Italy, Portugal and Spain). FST regulated professions in Europe are thus scarce and have a rather limited history. The Food Technologist in Italy and the Food Engineer in Turkey were found to be the only completely regulated professions found in Europe. Food and professional regulation have been evolved over the years and raised the debate on the regulation of FST professions. Academia as well as other policymakers has to further contribute to this discussion to keep high the standards for quality of education and training of the qualified workforce and professionals in the food sector.
Rui Costa, Sonja Smole Možina, Paola Pittia
Original scientific paper
Popping characteristics of paddy using microwave energy and optimization of process parameters
Microwave popping characteristics of a particular variety of paddy were studied using a domestic microwave oven. The experiments were carried out at 4 levels of moisture content (around 13%, 14%, 15% and 16% wb), 3 levels of power (600 W, 850 W and 1000 W) and 5 levels of heating time (40 s, 60 s, 80 s, 100 s and 120 s). A general factorial experiment design was followed, and effect of different treatment combinations on popping percentage and expansion ratio of the paddy was evaluated. The maximum popping percentage of 63.47% was obtained at a moisture content of 14.15% and energy level of 80 kJ (1000 W and 80 s) while the maximum expansion ratio of 4.42 was obtained at 14.94% moisture content and energy level of 68 kJ (850 W and 80 s). Optimum values of microwave power, time of heating and moisture content of paddy were achieved at 1000 W, 80 s and 15%, respectively, corresponding to popping percentage and expansion ratio of 58.73 and 3.58.
Ajay Kumar Swarnakar, M. Kalpana Devi, Susanta Das
Original scientific paper
Effect of protease inhibitors on thermal gelation of squid (Illex argentinus). mantle paste
The characteristics of the thermal gelation of squid mantle paste and the effect of protease inhibitors on them were investigated. Pastes in the absence and presence the protease inhibitors, ethylendiaminetetracetic acid (EDTA) and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), were formulated. Pastes were made by the respective one or two step thermal treatments: direct heating at 85°C for 20 min and preincubation at 27 or 40 °C for 3 or 2 hours, followed by heating at 85 °C for 20 min. The gel strength, water holding capacity (WHC) and whiteness of gelled pastes were analyzed. The tricloroacetic acid (TCA) soluble peptides in homogenate of the muscle were determined. Gel strength decreased when heating was made in two steps. EDTA and PMSF were effective in avoiding that decrease when pre-incubation was made at 40 °C. Maximum gel strength was observed for the gels in presence of EDTA, giving values of 255 and 219 g x cm for the samples made by direct heating and pre-incubated at 40 °C respectively. TCA soluble peptides increased between 20 and 60 °C, with maximum values reached at 30 and 60 °C. No significant differences (p>0.05) were observed in gel whiteness, neither with the thermal treatment nor with the inhibitors. The WHC was higher (p<0.05) in the gelated paste formulated with EDTA. These results show a good gelation capacity of I argentinus pastes and improvements with protease inhibitors.
Maria Elida Paredi, Emilio Aldo Manca, Marcos Crupkin
Original scientific paper
Determination of the antioxidant capacity, total phenolic and flavonoid contents of seeds from three commercial varieties of culinary dates
Date seeds are a major waste product of the date industry that could offer potentially valuable material for the production of useful food ingredients. The aim of the present study was to investigate the seeds of three date varieties of the UK market (Deglet Nour, Khouat Allig, and Zahidi) for their proximate composition, total phenolic (TPC), total flavonoid (TFC) contents and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) with a view to their eventual industrial application. Carbohydrates were present in the highest concentrations varying between 74.13 and 76.54 g 100 g-1 of date seed powder (DSP) on dry weight (DW) basis, followed in descending order by fats (7.64-8.84 g 100 g-1) and proteins (4.35-5.51 g 100 g-1). Potassium was found in high amounts with values ranging between 280.55 and 293.13 mg 100 g-1. The majority of the total phenolic content (2058-2984 mg GAE 100 g-1) was assumed to be composed of flavonoids (1271-1932 mg CAE 100 g-1). These families of dietary phenolics may be the major ones responsible for the high antioxidant capacity reported in date seeds, which varied from 12540 and 27699 µmol TE 100 g-1. These results suggest that date seeds can be considered a potential raw material for natural, active ingredients for food applications as well as an unexplored source of novel nutraceuticals and dietary supplements.
Jacopo Mistrello, Sameera Dewundara Sirisena, Abdollah Ghavami, Richard James Marshall, Suresh Krishnamoorthy