Current issue

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Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024

Online ISSN: 2182-1054

Volume 13 , Issue 1, (2024)

Published: 01.05.2024.

Open Access

Dear Readers,

It is a privilege to introduce our first 2024 issue (Vol 13) of the International Journal of Food Studies.

The journal mission was again well addressed, with a diverse research authorship and a stimulating discussion in the area of food education, food research and innovation.

The consumer was one of the main themes through this issue:

  • Guo presented an analysis of the power of media to shape consumer attitude towards meat alternatives and the opportunities that policy makers have in this area.
  • Un Nisa et al studied the quality assessment of a strawberry juice with prebiotic fibre processed with ultrasound, showing how ultrasound processed samples obtain higher scores in sensory acceptability.
  • Acella and colleagues aimed to enhance the knowledge on the perception of quality by consumers of short food supply chain products, with 20 case studies of SFSCs across Europe. Social characteristics of the products such as genuineness were seen as major criteria.

A second main topic in this issue was shelf life:

  • Andriani et al studied a traditional Indonesian fish shelf life demonstrating that vacuum packing and salt may contribute to extend the short shelf life of this product.
  • Susantia and Kristamtini assessed in vivothe ability of black garlic extracts to maintain blood sugar homeostasis as well as reducing low density lipoprotein levels and increasing the high density lipoproteins.
  • Haddad and Bani-Hani assessed the ability of protective cultures to extend the shelf life of Labaneh, a traditional dairy product from Jordan. 
  • Duc Vu and colleagues presented an analysis of the efficiency of the commercial production of dried Segestid shrimp studying losses and bringing a better understanding of the production of this traditional Vietnamese product.

Finally, food and health was the third underlying theme, where:

  • Najat and colleagues discussed the issue of brucellosis in dairy farms in Morocco, identifying a number of knowledge gaps in farmers and potential risks associated.
  • Hernandez et al. presented a study highlighting the need to characterise liquids for dysphagia patients and the importance of rheology in these preparations.
  • Hasain et al. findings included that energy drinks available in Kosovo may exhibit higher concentrations of caffeine than those levels declared in the label, highlighting the need to potentially secure the food safety and integrity of these products.

I would like to thank all the authors for their contributions, all the Editorial Board who continue to offer their voluntary work to this publication, the journal office that makes possible this issue and (last but not least) the Iseki Association support of the International Journal of Food Studies.

I wish you all a good reading.

Best regards,

Jesus Maria Frias Celayeta

Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Food Studies

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Professional paper

Influences of physicochemical stresses on injury and inactivation behaviour of Listeria innocua

Many minimally processed foods depend on a combination of inhibitory factors to reduce the hazard of foodborne illness. Therefore, inactivation of Listeria innocua was studied according to a 24 factorial experiment designed to draw conclusions about temperature (52.5 °C and 65.0 °C), pH (4.5 and 7.5), water activity (aw=0.95 and 0.99) and solute type (NaCl and glycerol) effects. Three different recovery media were used to assess injured cells. Survival data were fitted with a Gompertz-based model and kinetic parameters (shoulder, maximum inactivation rate – kmax, and tail) were estimated. Results showed that shoulder was affected by temperature, pH and combined effects; kmax was influenced by all factors and their combinations; and tail was affected by aw, temperature and aw/pH combination. Results demonstrated the potential occurrence of microbial cross-protection survival techniques between the various stresses, e.g. heat and osmolarity. Indeed, this work clearly established that, to avoid hazards, Listeria inactivation must be evaluated with a maximum of environmental factors that undergo alterations. Only thus, appropriate food preservation treatments can be developed and consequently, the safety of food products can be assured.

Fátima A. Miller, Bárbara Ramos, Maria M. Gil, Teresa R.S. Brandão, Paula Teixeira, Cristina L.M. Silva


Professional paper

Qualifications of Food Science and Technology/Engineering professionals at the entrance in the job market

The qualifications of Food Science and Technology/Engineering (FST/E) professionals were examined by a web-based survey conducted in 15 countries (14 EU and Turkey). The analysis of the responses showed that 65% of the respondents had a higher education (HE) degree (BSc 29%, MSc 28%, and PhD 8%), and 20% carried out extracurricular training before entering in the job market. The main fields of study were Food Science and Technology/Engineering, followed by Agriculture, Nutrition and Health, Safety/Hygiene, and Chemical Engineering in all three levels of HE degrees. Differences in the level of degree between genders were not observed, although a higher percentage of female respondents (36% of all female respondents) reported no higher qualification degree, compared to male respondents (33% of all male respondents). On the contrary, female respondents prevailed in extracurricular studies, compared to male ones. Gender, however, was a differentiating factor as far as the field of studies was concerned with female respondents prevailing in Nutrition and Health and male in Agriculture.A considerable percentage of the respondents acquired either a ΗΕ degree or had extracurricular training while working in the 1st job. Extracurricular training both before entering the job market and during work at the 1st workplace comprised mainly the topics Safety and Hygiene, Management, followed by Sensory Science, FST/E and Nutrition and Health. In addition, Marketing Science/Consumer Behaviour was also one of the main topics of company or other training during work at the 1st workplace.   

Virginia Giannou, Zoltan Lakner, Paola Pittia, Luis Mayor, Rui Costa, Cristina L.M. Silva, Vassiliki Oreopoulou


Professional paper

Stability of cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) nectar during storage

A shelf-life study on cupuaçu nectar (Theobroma grandiflorum) was carried out in two parts. Part I studied the microbial stability of the regular nectar (batch R) and the same nectar fortified with synthetic ascorbic acid (AA) (batch F), pasteurized at 90 °C for 3 min and hot filled in glass bottles. Total Plate Count (TPC), yeast and molds as well as pH, total soluble solids (TTS), titratable acidity and hidroxymethylfurfural (HMF) were followed along 43 storage days at 4, 25 and 35 °C. At the end of the storage period neither TPC nor molds or yeast had recovered the initial loads observed before pasteurization, for both R and F batches. Right after pasteurization, acidity increased slightly, pH decreased from 3.52 to 3.3, and TSS increased from 18.7 to 19.0 °Brix, with all stabilizing afterwards.Part II evaluated ascorbic (AA) and dehydroascorbic (DHAA) acids’ stabilization in the two batches, R and F, and dissolved oxygen (DO) was monitored. Both batches were stored at the same temperatures as in Part I for two months. For batch R, the AA degradation results followed a reversible first order reaction (EaAA(R)=-34±6 kJ/mol, kAA(R)25°C=0.006±0.003 days-1, C0AA(R)=0.92±0.01 and C∞AA(R)= 0.43±0.19). For the (F) nectar, the experimental data fitted a first order model well (EaAA(F)=30±17 kJ/mol, kAA(F)25°C =0.0016±0.0004 days-1). DO was modeled as a fractional conversion model (EaDO= 67±17 kJ/mol, kDO25°C= 1.94±0.94 days-1, C0DO=0.97±0.03 and C∞DO= 0.55±0.01). For both nectars, storage at environmental temperatures was preferred (AA retention above 80%) to refrigeration, due to the slower rate of diffusion of DO at lower temperatures.

Margarida Cortez Vieira, Cristina L.M. Silva


Professional paper

Effect of pre-treatments on solar drying kinetics of red seedless grapes (cv. Monukka)

Two different pre-treatments were applied to grapes prior to drying in a mixed mode solar dryer. Grapes were blanched in water and in a 0.1% sunflower oil water emulsion, both at 99oC and for approximately 15 seconds. Several models were tested to fit the experimental data of drying curves but the normalized Newton model gave the best fit results. Samples blanched in hot water or in the 0.1% edible oil emulsion had faster drying rates than untreated samples. Contrary to what was expected, pre-treating with the 0.1% edible oil emulsion did not increase the drying rate to a higher extent than blanching. Pre-treatments did not give a noteworthy difference in the total drying time. However, they had an important role in accelerating initial drying rates, thus preventing moulds and bacterial growth and consequently increasing farmers’ income.

Inês Nunes Ramos, Teresa R.S. Brandão, Cristina L.M. Silva

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