Current issue

Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024
Online ISSN: 2182-1054
Volume 13 , Issue 2, (2024)
Published: 18.10.2024.
Open Access
All issues
Professional paper
A food recall case study in Australia – Towards the development of food safety applications for consumers
Adeola Bamgboje-Ayodele, Leonie Ellis, Paul Turner
Original scientific paper
Following the trail of crumbs: A bibliometric study on consumer behavior in the Food Science and Technology field
The main goal of this paper was to conduct an exploratory study regarding consumer preference in the field of Food Science and Technology. Two questions guided this study: Is it possible to identify a trail of crumbs concerning consumer behavior in the Food Science and Technology field? And, if that trail exists, where is it leading academia in terms of research trends of interest? A bibliometric study was conducted using an analysis software called CiteSpace. The use of this methodology ensured the impartiality of the literature review of the topic of interest. A survey of all articles indexed in Web of Science between 1993 and 2013 regarding consumer behaviour was carried out. In total, 1,786 articles were analyzed. The recent increased concern regarding consumer behavior was evident. With the USA and Spain having a significant role in driving the trail. Eight other countries that exhibited similar influences are: Italy, England, Australia, Germany, Denmark, France, Netherlands and Brazil. The research trends observed were grouped into seven major hot topics: sensory, health, safety, willingness to pay, packaging, ethics, and lifestyle/convenience. However, the development of publishing trends depended on where the research was carried out. A final suggestive finding, demonstrated that scientific knowledge does not occur in a vacuum.
Marcia-Gabriela C. Kasemodel, Fausto Makishi, Roberta C. Souza, Vivian-Lara Silva
Professional paper
Towards the development of a common starter culture for fufu and usi (edible starch): Screening for potential starters
Kubrat A. Oyinlola, Anthony A. Onilude, Oluwaseun E. Garuba
Professional paper
The emulsifying effect of biosurfactants produced by food spoilage organisms in Nigeria
Christianah O. Ogunmola, Olusimbo O. Aboaba
Professional paper
Pronase hydrolysis as a pretreatment for quantifying Maillard intermediates during toasting of cornflakes
Mario A. Cueto, Abel E. Farroni, M. del Pilar Buera
Professional paper
The Atlantic diet – Origin and features
Manuela L. Vaz-Velho, Rita Pinheiro, Ana Sofia Rodrigues
Original scientific paper
Reproducibility and correlation between meat shear force measurements by Warner-Bratzler machine and a texturometer
Tenderness has a prominent position on meat quality and is considered to be the sensory characteristic that most influences meat acceptance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and determine correlations among three different meat shear force techniques. Commercial samples of bovine Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (BLTL), Tensor fasciae latae (BTFL), Semitendinosus (BST), Psoas major (BPM), Biceps femoris (BBF) and swine Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (PLTL) were analyzed for pH, proximate composition, cooking loss and shear force with a classical Warner-Bratzler device and a TA-XT2 Texturometer equipped with shear blades 1 and 3 mm thick. The effect of different techniques in each studied muscle was statistically analyzed and regression curves were built. Results from the 1 mm blade were quite similar to the ones obtained with the Warner-Bratzler, however the results from 3 mm blade were overestimated (p<0.05). Significant correlation (p<0.01) among shear force technique using Warner-Bratzler and the ones using the Texturometer was observed (0.47 for 1 mm blade and 0.57 for the 3 mm blade). In conclusion, we found that the 1 mm blade and the Warner-Bratzler machine are reproducible for all tested muscles, while the 3 mm blade is not reproducible for the BTFL, BST, BPM, BBF, PLTL. There is a significant correlation between the results obtained by the classical Warner-Bratzler and the TA XT2 Texturometer equipped with both blades. Therefore, TA-XT2 Texturometer equipped with the 1mm blade can perfectly replace the traditional Warner-Bratzler device.
Lucas Arantes-Pereira, Flavia C. Vargas, Julio C. de C. Balieiro, Ana Monica Q. B. Bittante, Paulo J. do A. Sobral
Original scientific paper
Pronase hydrolysis as a pretreatment for quantifying Maillard intermediates during toasting of cornflakes
Some of the products generated by the Maillard reaction are desired and very important for defining consumer acceptance of breakfast cereals. However, in recent years there has been an increased concern about compounds that are potentially harmful such as furfurals. The aim of this work was to analyze the effectiveness of protein hydrolysis with pronase as a pretreament for the evaluation of furfurals generated by the Maillard reaction during toasting of cornflakes and the parallel development of brown and fluorescent compounds. Furfurals were more accurately quantified with the pronase hydrolysis pretreatment because the protein matrix binds furfurals and fluorescent compounds. For control of the early reaction steps in the toasting process, the most sensitive parameter was fluorescence.
Mario Cueto, Abel E. Farroni, M. del Pilar Buera
Original scientific paper
Barriers to using consumer science information in food technology innovations: An exploratory study using Delphi methodology
Food technology innovation has the potential to deliver many benefits to society, although some technologies have been problematic in terms of public acceptance. In promoting the commercial success of innovative technological processes and resultant products it will be important to incorporate information relating to consumer preferences and concerns during their development. The barriers to the utilisation of consumer information during technological development was explored using a two round Delphi study involving 75 experts with an interest in new food technology (food technologists and consumer scientists). There was overall agreement that consumer information should be used in technology implementation and product design, and that good communication between key actors at pivotal stages during the development of new food technologies and products was important. However disciplinary differences were perceived to be a barrier to communication, as were difficulties associated with producing consumer information usable by food technologists. A strategy to improve inter-disciplinary communication is proposed, involving the creation of multi-disciplinary teams working together throughout the development project’s duration, including those with interdisciplinary experience. Deficiencies in the specification of the information required from consumer scientists need to be overcome. Consumer science results need to be concrete and presented as salient to and usable by food technologists.
Marian E. Raley, Maddalena Ragona, Siet J. Sijtsema, Arnout R.H. Fischer, Lynn J. Frewer
Original scientific paper
Effect of roasting regime on phytochemical properties of Senna occidentalis seeds
Senna occidentalis seeds were roasted at varying temperatures of 190, 210 and 230 °C each for 10, 15 and 20 min. Phytochemicals of the roasted seeds were determined using standard methods. The phytochemicals analysed were tannins, saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, oxalate and phenolics. Phytochemicals are compounds hypothesized for much of the disease-protection provided by diets high in fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals and plant-based beverages. This study has clearly shown that roasting time and temperature have significant effects on the seed parameters analyzed. There was an increase in tannin, alkaloid, saponin and phenolic contents and a decrease in the contents of flavonoids and oxalates.
Abiodun Adekunle Olapade, Oreofeoluwatomi Adedamola Ajayi